Photo Gallery
Lakewood Event 2023
Leadership 101 Community Engagement Initiatives
Nooksack River Restoration
"We planned and executed a cleanup in Maritime Heritage Park around Whatcom creek...We had about 30 attendees and cleaned up 12+ five-gallon buckets and a half-dozen large trash bags of waste and recycling with some other miscellaneous objects such as clothes and two bike frames. We were also lucky enough to see the Salmon traveling upstream, though one didn’t make it very far, being caught by a large seal before our eyes. It was special seeing such an important species that would directly benefit from our actions."
Nooksack River Restoration CEI Fall 2023
From the NRR Legacy Document
Menstrual Health
Trans Advocacy
"We made $158 from the drag shows. During the first drag show $92 was made, and during the second drag show $66 was made. ... overall from tabling we raised a total of $2341 (not including drag show money)."
Trans Advocacy CEI Winter 22-23