
Leadership Studies 100


Leading Responsibly (2 credits): Introduction to and critical examination of select virtues and character strengths associated with leading responsibly. Topics studied in class will be applied in a service-learning experience.

Leadership Studies 101

Fall, Winter and Spring

Introduction to Leadership Studies (5 credits): Begin your leadership journey in a class with faculty led interactive lectures and lab sections facilitated by student leaders. Develop a deeper understanding of how you lead and how to grow your leadership with your fellow students.

Your student lab assistant will be enrolled in Leadership Studies 450. These student lab assistants are selected for their diverse leadership experiences, and they will assist you on your journey to define leadership and what it means to you to be a leader.

As a group, your 101 lab sections will support one of four long-term, community engagement initiatives: The Nooksack Restoration Initiative, Reproductive Rights Advocacy, Health and Wellness Advocacy, and Equity Advocacy Group. These service-learning opportunities were developed by prior students and are grounded in one or more of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) as well the WWU Okanagan Charter. These initiatives will help you understand how to work in a team, how leadership happens in various forms in the completion of a project, and how to support others when they are leading.

Leadership 101 satisfies five credits toward the Social Science (SSC) GUR requirement. Enrollment in the class is capped at 120 students. Students participate both in lectures and in small group labs.

Please pay attention to the section you sign up for as each section has a specific topic area: Reproductive Rights, Equity, Health and Wellness, and Nooksack River Restoration

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LDST 450: Leadership and Pedagogy Leadership Lab Assistant Application

Leadership Studies 201


Introduction to Leading with Emotional and Social Intelligence (3 credits): This class explores the foundations of emotionally and socially intelligent leadership. The course addresses how successful leaders generally display high degrees of emotional intelligence as they understand what they are feeling, what those emotions mean to them, and how these emotions affect other people. It also addresses how socially intelligent leaders are able to navigate social relationships and environments. Coursework also emphasizes students’ abilities to develop these core competencies in themselves through reflective practice and experiential learning activities.

Leadership Studies 240

Introduction to Peer Leadership Education (3 Credits): This course provides a theoretical introduction and practical application of leadership competencies for students who serve in peer leadership capacities on campus. Students from various programs meet together in large lecture session once per week and then meet in smaller discussion sections associated with their leadership roles on campus once per week. Students must indicate an interest in participating in these programs, and entrance to the course is suggested but not required for employment or acceptance into these programs. Advisement is required prior to enrollment.

Leadership 297 

Topics in Leadership (4 credits): In depth coverage of special topics in leadership. The subject of each individual course changes each quarter. Repeatable with different topics to a maximum of 12 credits. 

Leadership Studies 301

Introduction to Leadership Theory (3 credits):This course provides an opportunity for upper level and transfer students to learn and apply leadership theory through discussion sections and engaging in an individual project. This course is offered Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters. 

Do not take this course if you have already taken LDST 101. 

Leadership Studies 337

Issues in Global Leadership (2-10 credits TBA): Explores leadership history, experiences, and current events in cultures outside of the US. Primary texts include cultural and informational documents, readings concerning historical and current leaders and leadership processes, as well as in-depth interviews with leaders in various contexts.


Leadership Studies 340

Peer Leadership Education (3 credits):This course provides an advanced exploration of the theoretical and practical applications of leadership competencies for students who serve in peer leadership capacities on campus. Students will engage in self-reflection and articulation of personal leadership capabilities to apply to and enhance their leadership roles. Interest in an identified peer support program is required. Advisement is required prior to enrollment.

Pre-req: LDST 240 or LDST 297 and instructor permission.

Leadership Studies 341

Summer, Fall, Winter, & Spring

Practicum: Peer Leadership Education (1-6 credits): Implement peer leadership education and classroom pedagogy for learning leadership. Enhance teaching, training and leadership knowledge and skills. Experience varies dependent on setting and preferred experience.

Pre-req: Sophomore, Junior or Senior status and Instructor permission. The Internship paperwork must be completed and submitted to the Leadership Office for an override to be issued.

Leadership Studies 416

Topics in Leadership (3-4 credits): In-depth coverage of special topics in leadership. The subject of each individual course changes each quarter. Repeatable with different topics to a maximum of 9 credits.

Winter 2023

Collaborative Conflict Resolution – 4 credits

Disability Inclusivity in Leadership – 3 credits

Other Rotating Classes (Quarter TBA)

Avoiding Toxic Leadership

Self-care for Leaders - 3 credits

Outdoor leadership – 3 credits

Leadership for Sustainability – 3 credits

Pre-req: LDST 101, or instructor permission. 

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Leadership Studies 420


Research Methods in Leadership Studies (3 credits): Introduces methodologies used in leadership research and facilitates student’s ability to conduct research in Leadership Studies.

Pre-req: LDST 101 and declared Leadership Studies Minor

Leadership Studies 450

Fall, Winter & Spring

Leadership and Pedagogy (5 credits): Serve as an undergraduate lab assistant for students taking Introduction to Leadership Studies (LDST 101). Learn instructional methods, develop personal leadership skills, and build upon leadership course content. Lead weekly discussions, prepare students to create a community engagement initiative, and provide student feedback.

Pre-req: Junior or Senior status recommended, completion of LDST 101, and instructor permission.

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LDST 450: Leadership and Pedagogy Lab Assistant Application

Leadership Studies 495

Fall, Winter & Spring

Capstone Course, Leadership Reflection and Development (2 credits): Integration and development of leadership skills through reflective practice.

Pre-req: Completion of LDST 101 with a minimum grade of B, 18 credits toward the Minor in Leadership Studies and Instructor Permission.