Community Engagement Initiatives
MLI Reproductive Rights Initiative
Formerly known as Menstrual Health Advocacy, MLI Reproductive Rights Initiative will serve a broader set of projects all aimed at education and advocacy for reproductive rights.

MLI Nooksack Restoration Initiative
Our local Nooksack River is failing four out of the five attributes that deem a river healthy. This initiative works to improve the health of the river through clean ups of the surrounding waterways, tree planting, clearing of invasive species and education of the issue.

MLI Health and Wellness Initiative
Formerly known as Mental Health Advocacy, the Health and Wellness Initiative is comprised of a series of projects that promote the importance of physical, mental and emotional health.

MLI Equity Initiative
Formerly known as the Trans Advocacy Project, the MLI Equity Initiative has broadened the scope of work to be more inclusive of advocacy for all marginalized populations. The initiative will be a series of quarterly projects to educate, advocate and serve marginalized communities.